Alliance for Biosecurity Applauds House Appropriators for Sustained Bipartisan Support and Funding for National Security and Public Health Preparedness

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Alliance for Biosecurity (Alliance) applauds the House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations Subcommittee’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 funding increases for Alliance priorities and critical federal biodefense programs. Notably, when compared to FY 2024 funding levels,* the LHHS Subcommittee’s draft text includes:

  • Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) – $85 million increase
  • Project Bioshield SRF – $25 million increase
  • Pandemic Influenza Preparedness – $13 million increase
  • Strategic National Stockpile – $20 million increase

The Alliance recognizes that the Subcommittee’s proposed funding levels both build on significant support for biodefense programs provided by Congress in FY 2024 and exceed funding levels included in the President’s Budget Request. We commend the bipartisan work of the Subcommittee and the leadership of Subcommittee Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT).

Alliance Co-Chair Chris Frech said, “The Subcommittee’s recognition of the urgent need for increased funding for these programs sends a strong signal to the Senate and the Biden Administration on the need for robust and consistent funding for federal biodefense and preparedness programs. America’s national biodefense capabilities require government and industry to work together. Increased and consistent funding for these programs promotes our collective ability to protect the public and the war fighter from naturally occurring and man-made national security and public health threats. We cannot do this alone, and we express our appreciation for the Subcommittee’s longstanding commitment to support federal biodefense programs that maintain the development and stockpiling of lifesaving medical countermeasures (MCMs), including MCMs that lack a commercial market.”

The Subcommittee is scheduled to markup the legislation at 8:00AM EDT on Thursday, June 27, and is available to stream here.

*In 2024, the Alliance for Biosecurity submitted appropriations requests to over one hundred Members of Congress in support of federal funding for biodefense and preparedness programs. To learn more about the Alliance’s FY 2025 appropriations request click here.


The Alliance for Biosecurity is a coalition of biopharmaceutical companies and laboratory/academic partners that promotes a strong public-private partnership to ensure medical countermeasures are available to protect public health and enhance national health security. The Alliance advocates for public policies and funding to support the rapid development, production, stockpiling, and distribution of critically needed medical countermeasures.